May 8, 2012

A Sunny Spring Afternoon Birding at Home

Spent yesterday afternoon doing some raking & pruning, before the rainy days started here.  Finally got the forsythia contained back into it's bed, and removed a couple dozen small Black Birch trees that were trying to colonize the hill up back.  Tim had said he saw a Hummingbird, so I put the feeder out.

Baltimore Oriole (top) & Male  Rosy-breasted Grosbeak
After that, I decided to take my camera and rest on the front deck.  Yes, indeed, there was a Hummingbird zooming around!  There was also a pair of Rosy-breasted Grosbeaks, a Baltimore Oriole, a pair of Cardinals, Blue Jays, Catbirds, and Goldfinches.  Oh, and the Lilac is blooming, along with the last of the Daffodils.  Such color!   I couldn't get the birds into one photo, and still be able to see them all clearly, but I got a couple of shots so you could enjoy them.  Just a nice afternoon at the Studio!

Mr. & Mrs. Grosbeak 

White Throated Sparrow


  1. Just LOVELY♪♪♪
    I enjoyed the enlarged pictures; thank for sharing with us.
    Sincerely Yours, Miyako*

  2. Oh my... these are all SO lovely! Your photography always inspires!
